Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Second House

Near the DC line, this is one of those houses we overpaid for for what we got. It's sort of a lemon and we undid a lot of what the flipper did to it - we call it, "un-Home Depot-izing".  But it was still cheaper than paying rent and we got land to go with it and there's some nice parks right in our back yard. I'll dig around for a front yard picture of the house.  The house was built circa 1925 - so it's doing pretty good for being almost 100 years old and likely suffering several bad, decades-old renovations and a possible fire.  I'm in the process of seeking out historic documents of the neighborhood because we've heard from neighbors that the tiny houses here were built to house Veterans after WWI.

This is a tiny alcove off the kitchen.  We were using it as a pantry until we renovated.


Bathroom - sorry for the angle - not much to see anyway
Single bedroom on second floor.

 Absolutely Horrid kitchen.  Again Home Depot-ized.

Living room, stairs - the front door opens up to this room. 
Ignore the disarray - we plopped everything there
when we moved in.

Stay tuned for more stuff and the renovations.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend Getaway

Back in 2006, the housing market in DC was inflated beyond many people's ability to purchase in the metro area, including me.  So we decided to seek out nearby areas for retirement homes.  We found this great little fishing and sailing town in Maryland about an hour and half away from DC within reach of the Chesapeake bay.   It is far enough away from DC to want to stay overnight but not close that you would feel compelled to retun to DC the same day. These are pics of the house and yard on closing day.

Garage in the back of the house with the garden on the side.  I'll show pictures in future posts of how the yard has morphed over the last few years.

Take note of the front.  You might not notice it
from this pic but there's a gorgeous old fashioned
pink rose on the right.  It was tiny then, but became
a monster.  I cut it back this spring, but I'm not
sure if that was the thing to do.  I'll post a pic later.

 I'll post pics of the second house in a future post.


The beginning

Apologies up front for not having pictures ready. The plan is to upload the previous stuff we've been working on since we purchased both homes. The order of our accomplishments will probably be reflected inaccurately - we've had a few technology blowouts with our computers and so pictures are probably spread out among them. Thanks for visiting - for now, hang in there.