Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Tale of Two Cottages: it's about a lifestyle change.

I'm reviving A Tale Of Two Cottages into a lifestyle blog. Here's why. After having my right thyroid lobe removed because it was crushing my throat and because it was playing havoc with my physiology, I reevaluated what I have been doing to myself for the last decade or so to cause this thyroid problem. Whether the doctor's understand it or not, I'm confident that chronic stress had something to do with it. That's when I realized slowing down, reducing stress, and incorporating more fun into my life is a total must. I encourage you to do the same and will provide suggestions, activities, research and thoughts on making a better lifestyle.

Three ways to make your life better if you're employed. There's no "Ah Ha!" here. Just plain old common sense.

Don't work so hard: There's always work to be done. I don't know of anyone that doesn't have this problem. So don't try to get it all done in the same day. Think about what the repercussions are if it waited until the next day, or, the next, or the next. Probably not much, in other words, the world isn't going to end. Understanding there are bosses needs, maybe your boss needs to stop working so hard. At home, choose a day to vege out after work. Sometimes we're rushing so much to get work done at work that we continue that rush at home.

Get away from your desk: At least for lunch. Personally, I take breaks like the way it used to be done in the old days, say 15 years ago - a 15 minute break at 9:30, half hour lunch, and 15 minutes at 2:30. American companies probably started doing this for a reason - keep the masses happy and fresh. So walk away from your desk during these times.

Get outside: Learn to love cold, wet days. We all love to get outside on beautiful sunny warm days but there's value to your body and mind from being outside on any day. Relish in the fact that Mother Nature has created this incredibly diverse atmosphere. Soak it in. Especially if your day is terrible.

p.s. Try a week of rising without an alarm. This is the best thing I've changed in my life that has contributed to reducing my insanity. Just try it. You'll never go back to an alarm.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:New York City

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