Friday, April 26, 2013

Water logged.

Drinking water:
My dearest significant other Mike has been adamant about me drinking water claiming that I don't drink enough of the stuff of life. I usually argue back that I am and I don't think that I could consume any more in a day. Well, I am here, now, saying... Ahem... That he was right.
I felt like I was consuming enough but when it really came down to it, I was quite a bit under the recommended daily intake of eight 8 oz glasses. I figured this out by testing myself over several days. Here's how. We measured a glass and found one in our cabinet that was 16 ounces (2 cups). Plus I have another glass at work that is two times the size (32 ounces). In the morning I made sure I drank at least one 16 ounce glass before leaving the house. Then I fill the 32 ounce glass at work to about 24 ounces. I drank two of these while at work. I tried to space this apart, for example, 24 ounces all morning and then the other 24 ounces after lunch for the rest of the day. Generally, I drank with lunch and snacks and then throughout the day. So far I'm up to 64 ounces - the recommend amount. At home, after work, I drank at least one more 16 ounce glass with dinner or watching TV. Sometimes two, with lemon. Totalling 80 ounces for the day.
Phew, that's a lot.
It was tough for the first two days. But after a week, the extra water actually felt pretty good in my body, especially with the lemon at night. Waking up refreshed and my skin seems smoother and fresher. Now, it's just habit to drink all that water.
Try it out. It's difficult at first but you'll get the hang of it in a couple days.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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