These never made it to the blog but you may have seen it on Facebook. We did all the work, or, I should say, Mike did all the work. I was the designer.
The half bath is my favorite bathroom. Before the half bath was installed upstairs, we had to go downstairs in the middle of the night to use the facilities. It was really a pain not to mention a long trip in the middle of the night.
Mike did an incrdible job moving around pipes, tiling and installing the sink and toilet. The window overlooks the park in the back of the house. The sink was a freebie and the toilet was from the downstairs bathroom (now totally revamped). I got the mirror at Salvation Army. The door and glass knob were salvaged from Community Forklift.
The downstairs full bath was completely revamped, adding a tub and a tiled shower stall. In my opinion, if you have a clawfoot tub that doesn't have a stand up shower in it, add a shower stall to the bathroom. The tub just looks so much better without the shower surround and the stall just makes life that much easier in the morning.
The sink tub, and toilet (not visible) was salvage from the Community Forklift. We estimate the sink and toilet to be circa 1940s. The tub is vintage Kholer which has a beautifully unscratched surface! The floor tiles were a steal at home depot, about a $1 per tile. The beadboard wainscoating was salvaged from a neighbors yard. We used regular 4 inch square white tiles on the wall of the shower stall. (I don't have any pics availble of it, darn it.) Home Depot makes paint to order so we brought in a tile that matched the toilet and sink so they could make a can for me to paint the tub with. The final touch is the tiny painted floral metal chandelier above the tub.
Ok, so I love the downtairs bathroom too.
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